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匹配条件: “Ramón Triles” ,找到相关结果约242178条。
Incorporación de residuos derivados de la fabricación cerámica y del vidrio reciclado en el proceso cerámico integral
Lázaro, C.,Ramón Triles, V.,Gómez, F.
Boletín de la Sociedad Espa?ola de Cerámica y Vidrio , 2012, DOI: 10.3989/cyv.202012
Abstract: The following research work shows the results of the introduction of waste generated by the ceramic industry, such as the calcined clay from fired porcelain of stoneware and raw biscuit, sludge and cleaning water, as well as waste from other sectors like the recycling glass. In this way, it can be obtained a stoneware porcelain slab, engobe-glaze and satin glaze that contains high percentage of recyclable raw materials. A través del siguiente trabajo de investigación, se indica los resultados obtenidos de la introducción de residuos generados por el propio sector cerámico, como es la chamota procedente de tiesto cocido de gres porcelánico y tiesto crudo, lodos y agua procedente de las diferentes operaciones de limpieza, así como también residuos procedentes de otros sectores, como ha sido el vidrio procedente de su reciclado, todo ello, para obtener una baldosa ecológica integral, dise ando para ello un engobe y un esmalte con dichos residuos.
Energy Consumption Power Aware Data Delivery in Wireless Network  [PDF]
R. Jegadeesan, N. Sankar Ram
Circuits and Systems (CS) , 2016, DOI: 10.4236/cs.2016.710241
Abstract: In this paper, we present the virtual desktop that uses a novel methodology and related metrics to benchmark thin client based on Data Delivery Networks (DDN) in terms of scalability and reliability. Most studies of the wireless networks mainly focus on system performance and power consumption circuit system; the main target has been separated in terms of Data operation and GUI operation by DDN. The communication protocol for wireless communication may play a major role in energy consumption and other important factors. The portable devices like Personal Digital Assistance (PDA) and others are mainly focusing on the efficient energy consumption (power control) in wireless networks. Here we focus on energy efficiency, algorithmic efficiency, virtualization and resource allocation; these are the main aims of the authors. The foremost research in the direction of wireless computing in saving energy and reducing carbon foot prints is also the challenging part. This is the study proof of brief account of wireless networks.
The Assessment in Mathematics: Educational Process?  [PDF]
Eliseo Ramírez Rincón
Creative Education (CE) , 2019, DOI: 10.4236/ce.2019.106099
Abstract: Evaluation as an educational process is fundamental and important, particularly of the teaching and learning process in the area of mathematics in which this research paper focuses, because although two different processes are closely related to each other and it is not possible to assess one of them without taking into account the other, because when assessing, for example, learning is necessary to evaluate the factors, contexts, emotions and other variables that affect to both, like the culture (interests, attitude, life project, values, and principles, teacher training, …), ICT and the quality.
Mirada al Movimiento Moderno cubano: un enfoque climático
Ramírez Li,Ramón;
Apuntes: Revista de Estudios sobre Patrimonio Cultural - Journal of Cultural Heritage Studies , 2008,
Abstract: this article constitutes an approach to the study of the architectural patrimony of the modern movement in the residential's allotment alturas del vedado. it shows the result of the symbiosis between the international modern architecture and cuba's climatic conditions. it is seen through the housing types, the architectural elements (carpentries, walls, solar protection and cover's elements), their influence in the internal microclimate and materials employees. the urban morphology of this area is also described emphasizing the climatic parameter's influence. this study is the result of the investigation, summary and prosecution of the information related with the cuban modern movement, the urbanization of the allotment and the climatic behavior in havana city. their purpose is to settle down that the new interventions in the city consider as valid the elements compositivos, functional, aesthetic and climatic that contributes this architecture type. this study constitutes the base of next architectural designs that incorporate the use of the climatic parameters, recapturing the moving modern cuban incorporating the current tendencies.
Genomics of schizophrenia and pharmacogenomics of antipsychotic drugs  [PDF]
Ramón Cacabelos, Pablo Cacabelos, Gjumrakch Aliev
Open Journal of Psychiatry (OJPsych) , 2013, DOI: 10.4236/ojpsych.2013.31008

Antipsychotic drugs are the neuroleptics currently used in the treatment of schizophrenia (SCZ) and psychotic disorders. SCZ has a heritability estimated at 70% - 90%; and pharmacogenomics accounts for 60% - 90% variability in the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of psychotropic drugs. Personalized therapeutics based on individual genomic profiles in SCZ entails the characterization of 5 types of gene clusters and their related metabolomic profiles: 1) genes associated with disease pathogenesis; 2) genes associated with the mechanism of action of drugs; 3) genes associated with drug metabolism (phase I and II reactions); 4) genes associated with drug transporters; and 5) pleiotropic genes involved in multifaceted cascades and metabolic reactions. Genetic studies in SCZ have revealed the presence of chromosome anomalies, copy number variants, multiple single-nucleotide polymorphisms of susceptibility distributed across the human genome, aberrant single-nucleotide polymorphisms in microRNA genes, mitochondrial DNA mutations, and epigenetic phenomena. Pharmacogenetic studies of psychotropic drug response have focused on determining the relationship between variation in specific candidate genes and the positive and adverse effects of drug treatment. Approximately 18% of neuroleptics are major substrates of CYP1A2 enzymes, 40% of CYP2D6, and 23% of CYP3A4. About 10% - 20% of Western populations are defective in genes of the CYP superfamily. Only 26% of Southern Europeans are pure extensive metabolizers for the trigenic cluster integrated by the CYP2D6 + CYP2C19 + CYP2C9 genes. Efficacy and safety issues in the pharmacological treatment of SCZ are directly linked to genetic clusters involved in the pharmacogenomics of antipsychotic drugs and also to environmental factors. Consequently, the incorporation of pharmacogenomic procedures both to drugs under development and drugs on the market would help to optimize therapeutics in SCZ and other central nervous system disorders.

El Maestro Ahumada
Ramón Corbalán
Revista Chilena de Cardiología , 2010,
Rese a de "Niko's nature. The life of Niko Tinbergen and his science of animal behaviour" de Kruuk, H.
Ramón León
Persona , 2008,
Un estudio acerca de la envidia en los centros laborales en el Perú
Ramón León
Persona , 2002,
Abstract: Se llevó a cabo una investigación acerca de la presencia de la envidia en los centros laborales en el Perú, aplicando una encuesta a 167 profesionales (69 hombres y 98 mujeres, entre 21 y 55 a os). La muestra respondió a una encuesta con preguntas en las cuales se les solicitaba valorar la envidia en la sociedad peruana, en los centros de trabajo en general, en sus centros de trabajo, y la que ellos creían provocar en los demás, así como también cómo reaccionarían ellos si supieran que eran envidiados. Se encontró una elevada valoración de la presencia de la envidia en los centros de trabajo y en la sociedad peruana, sobre todo en las mujeres. No reconocer los méritos del otro y hablar mal de un compa ero fueron las principales expresiones de envidia, según los integrantes de la muestra.
Rese a de "Historia de la psicología en el Perú. De la Colonia a la República" de Alarcón, R.
Ramón León
Persona , 2001,
Rese a de "The cult of personality. How personality tests are leading us to miseducate our children, mismanage our companies, and misunderstand ourselves" de A. M. Paul
Ramón León
Persona , 2005,

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